The Pivot By Faith podcast features guests who have overcome personal challenges to achieve what God has called them to become. What would you do in your life, career, or other areas if you were not afraid to do it? Are you living your life, or are you simply existing? Explore your true calling by listening to the real life stories and testimonies of people who decided that just being good is not good enough. This podcast will provide listeners with compelling, thought-provoking interviews with people who made a pivot in their lives, careers, and everyday existence to seek their purpose. In essence, they stepped out on faith and risked ridicule, financial loss, or other challenges to become who God created them to be. Are you ready to pivot by faith? Join us for interviews, testimonies, and information to build your faith and provide motivation for those bold enough to pivot by faith.

This podcast and the information provided on the website and affiliated websites are provided as informational resources only. This information does not constitute any affiliation, endorsement or promotion of any of the products or companies featured. Individuals in need of services should contact their health care provider or the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988. If you or someone you know is having immediate thoughts of self-harm, suicide, or harm to others, immediately call 911. 

Pivot By Faith Podcast Episodes