Power, Love, and a Sound Mind: How Three Simple Truths Changed My Life is a personal testimony of faith from a not-so-perfect overachiever who found perfect peace in Jesus Christ. She gained the courage to step out of a long career through God’s grace. By releasing stereotypes, human expectations, judgment and guilt, the author discovers that the pathway to claiming a peace that surpasses all understanding starts with God and His Word. When seeking purpose, negativity and challenges will occur, but these can be overcome through prayer and faith. In the process, she discovered three simple truths that changed the way she views the world. Power, Love and a Sound Mind are promised to us from God, so let’s claim them today!
Author and entrepreneur Denise Nixon is passionate about purpose – finding her own purpose and the endless mission of motivating others to find theirs. Her desire to walk in her purpose has drawn her closer to God and made her realize that so many others are experiencing the same challenges. After deciding to leave a long career in public education, she embraced a new vision and started a human resources consulting and recruiting company, OneCore Workforce Solutions, LLC. Through her company, Denise assisted businesses in recruiting talented employees and developing effective training programs. In addition to running her business and writing books, she is an ordained deacon in her church and an avid podcaster and content writer for her company and websites. She earned her Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and two Master’s degrees in Elementary Guidance and Educational Administration from the University of South Carolina. She earned a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Higher Education Leadership from Capella University.